
All About Online Gambling

The game begins with the player selecting the six endangered species he/she would like to attempt to preserve. It is at this point that the game makes its most extensive use of graphics. The game offers two different graphic views of the virtually unlimited number of species available. Unfortunately, all of the species look suspiciously canine to this reviewer. It is only after the selection process that one can find out the vital information on the species' dietary habits. The dearth of information available at the selection stage limits the initial phase of selection to that of a guess. Fortunately the author indicates modifications that can be made to the unprotected program so that specie's biological characteristics (including diet) can be viewed prior to selecting species. infrared ink

The major graphics displays are relatively static and uninteresting because the species' sketches are not dissimilar enough and the graphs don't fluctuate enough in a successful game to be interesting. However, those who find excitement in weighing data, mentally debating numerous possible decisions and making those "god-like" decisions of simulated life and death will find Planet Master to be a game to be played over and over again. Educators will enjoy using the game as an introduction to the idea of ecosystems and wildlife conservation.

The simulation not only sensitizes the player to the idea of wildlife preservation and management, but teaches the basic principle of ecological interdependence. Planet Master Jasper's face began to shine with the brightness of his characteristic smile.infrared contact lenses

REFORGER '88 reflects the same kind of careful research and exciting game theory which the hobby has come to expect from Gary Grigsby after games like Guadalcanal Campaign, Carrier Force, Objective Kursk, and War in Russia. In this simulation, a hypothetical invasion of the Fulda Gap by Warsaw Pact forces with the main objective of securing Rhein Main Air Force Base near Frankfurt, U. S. and West German forces must fight a holding action against the Soviet and East German aggressors in order for the superior replacement capability of the NATO forces to take its toll upon the communists. The game can be described as grand tactical warfare in that the player is concerned with unit to unit battle where terrain and target selection is vital to success, but where the player must also be concerned with over-all supply appropriations, air superiority and/or target definition, and air reconnaissance usually reserved to strategic decision makers.

Free Slot Games

The 8 Ball game offers a top prize of 2,000 coins with the max bet. This can be won by hitting the payline with three 8 Balls. If played with single coin, 1000 coins are given. Following the jackpot, it drops to 200 coins as the next pay prize. The prize amount then drops by 160 coins following 140 coins. This game is available online at the Playtech casinos. Also, if played with the highest coin size, one can win an amount of $20,000.easy cards tricks

Alien Alert - Alien Alert is available online in two formats. First option is that one can play the game with a close up view and with the second option the game can be played with a distance view that shows the whole slot machine. Alien alert is a classic game that comes with 3 reels and 1 single pay line. This game has an outer space theme. The game displays aliens, satellites & other things like space ships. This game can be played with a range of denominations. The max bet is 3 coins. The lowest bet is nickel and goes up to five dollars as the highest. On interesting things is that player can change the size of the coins without exiting the game. The game features 8 winning combinations starting at 15 coins on a pay line with any 3 aliens. The highest is 4000 coins if one hits the hands of 3 aliens on the payline. The game has no wild symbol. Alien Alert pays 600 coins with max bet as the next highest payout. This game can be played online on casinos like Golden Palace, Bet 365 and Bet Fred.  marked cards tricks

If you are a fan of casino game, then it is the time for you to play a special card game that is originally from the Netherlands. This card game is called as Klaverjassen card game. It was first published three hundred years ago and up to now the card game still exists in Holland. You don't have to go to the Netherlands to play this game, as you can definitely do this at your house. All you have to do is just finding the right time and select the right site that you can gain quite special game with interesting features that would satisfy you while you are playing out the games. There is special website for this game that is provided by Jan Kaas. You may access the Klaverjassen game from his online website within the Articlebase.com. If you are wondering about this kind of game you may browse around within this website to gather more information dealing with this kind of card game that has been quite famous in the original country where it from, Holland. There are many people rely on this casino to earn a lot of money and use this as business potential. This is due to the fact that such game is quite preferable by many people in the Netherlands. Not only the Dutch but also foreigners would play out this game and have fun with it.


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While most of the live action takes place on these floating casinos, the smaller gambling dens and venues are equally attractive—take your pick!

Casino Royale

The Casino Royale is arguably the most popular and largest floating Casino in Goa. Located on a giant boat, the classy Casino Royale boasts of five decks and three floors of gaming. Its gaming area spreads over 12,000 square feet and is equipped with 30 slot machines, 50 gaming tables, and professional level tournaments every week.

Address: Mandovi River, Panjim. Entry Fee: Varying packages for casino lovers from Monday --Thursday and on weekends. Attractions: Unlimited food, live entertainment, alcoholic drinks and an allotment of playing chips. Opening Hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Dress: Smart casual (no flip-flops/chappals, shorts or sleeveless shirts). Types of Games: Indian Flush, Texas Holdem Poker, Poker, American Roulette, Mini Flush, Sicbo, Black Jack, Baccarat, Pontoon, Moneywheel, Casino Wars and slot machines. cheat poker

Casino Pride

Casino Pride houses three floors and sprawls over an area of 10,000 square feet. Its Weather Deck is great for parties! Here, you can indulge in over 40 gaming tables and slot machines. A special Kid's Zone complete with loads of computer games keeps your children entertained, as you steady yourself for deals and good fun alike.

Pride Group operates three popular onshore casinos as well -- Casino Palms at Baga, Casino Pearl at Bogmallo and Casino Paradise at Pororvim.


Pros and Cons for Pacific Poker

Pacific Poker has experienced a tremendous growth in popularity recently. A large number of players find this room interesting, in spite of the rather sub-standard software that Pacific Poker has. Although many players may consider the poor software a drawback, Pacific Poker is still appreciated. The soft games are one of the reasons for this appreciation. Those who wish to win money will find Pacific Poker a real gold mine, as it has some of the easiest games, which give players the possibility to win some rather than lose some. This feature also goes for tables with higher stakes, of around $20, for instance. However, the fact that players don't have the possibility to play on multiple tables and the software is not very attractive may make experienced players turn to other rooms. trick cards

A good point for Pacific Poker is that it offers a good variety of games, which include Texas Hold'em, Seven Card Stud, Omaha, and tournaments. Players who choose Pacific Poker are mostly interested in Texas Hold'em, and those are the tables where most of the traffic is, as these games are great. There are stake limits, but they vary from micro to high, so players can bet the amount they wish.

Other pros for Pacific Poker include that good promotions that players can benefit from, and soft competition. The weak points for Pacific Poker, other than poor software and lack of multi-table support, include lagging at times and slow telephone support. However, players are usually provided with fast e-mail support. marked cards lenses

Some of the special features of Pacific Poker include the special bet bonus, hot keys for check, raise and fold, as well as the graphical hand replay function.

European citizens have the advantage of being able to play online poker legally, mostly due to the more relaxed European gambling laws.

Americans can still play online poker without fearing that it could be illegal, as long as it is from outside the United States, and many of them will find Pacific Poker a real gold mine.


Memory Games and Activities for Seniors

It's important that as people age they find ways to keep both their body and mind sharp. Sandy Gibson, the Director of Nursing with BrightStar of Chicago, put together a great list of games and activities to do with seniors to help with memory. These are great exercises for those suffering from dementia. juice cards

Memory Card Game

This classic card game is a great way to exercise memory. Lay all the cards from a deck face down in a 13 x 4 pattern. The first player turns two cards over at random. If they are a match, he gets to keep them and go again. If they are different numbers, he must turn them back over and it is the next player's turn. As more and more cards are revealed, players are forced to remember where certain cards are in the grid. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.

Simon Says

Simon Says exercises reflex skills and memory. It is appropriate for seniors already experiencing memory loss. Stand at the front of the room. Do an action, such as putting your hands on your head. Describe the action, introducing it with "Simon says." For example, "Simon says put your hands on your head." The participants must imitate your actions until you describe a gesture you are doing without saying "Simon says." Anyone who does the gesture is out. The game requires that seniors quickly recall the names of body parts.

Name That Tune

This game is great for exercising and testing long-term memory. Assemble various recordings of songs that were popular when today's seniors were young. Play a short clip from a song. Participants must write down the name of the song and the artist. Play 10-15 different songs. Announce the answers one by one. The participant with the highest number of correct responses wins.

Memory Circle

This game strengthens both long- and short-term memory. Assemble a group of senior citizens in a circle. Go around the circle and have participants share memories of a favorite hobby or activity from their childhood. Once each person has had a chance to share, go around the circle again. This time, have each person recount the same memory of another participant. Continue until everyone has had a chance to recount someone else's memory. marked cards

Tech Games

In the age of technology and gadgets, seniors can benefit from a host of games. The Nintendo DS is a hand-held game console. Among the games available for it is "Brain Age/Brain Age 2," a game with nine puzzles, multi-level Sudoku rounds and speed counting memory tests. Another, "Clubhouse Games," offers 40 classic senior-friendly games like "Texas Hold ‘Em," backgammon, checkers, bowling, billiards and darts. These particular activities will challenge a senior's speed, dexterity, memory and mental focus.

Traditional Games

You can never go wrong with traditional games that exercise mental focus and memory. Brain teasers, crossword puzzles, bingo boards and puzzles are available in large print and large sizes to make it easier for seniors to handle, see and play.


How Ya’ Running?

How ya’ running? Well, unless you’re just in neutral and idling, you are either running good or running bad at poker. Let’s take a look at both sides of this equation and see what we might be able to do to cut short running bad and to extend our good fortune when running good. trick cards

We’ll take a look at the bad news first as that may well be the more critical of the two. When you’re running bad and your pocket Aces are regularly cracked and your draws never seem to get there what should you do? Many poker players do the exact opposite of what will serve them well and begin to tilt making things worse. They not only perpetuate the losing streak but through their actions actually make it more severe. When you realize that you’re running bad, think of it as the true test of your character and mettle as a poker player. How one deals with adversity tells a lot about that person in life as well as poker. It has been said, “Adversity introduces a man to himself”. Endeavor to admire the man you are meeting!

Of all the many things you can do when you’re running bad, the one single thing you should be focused to is “Don’t make it worse”. I know that may be easier said than done but making that your credo will help get you through a down spell making it much easier to turn things around, if for no other reason than limiting the size of the hole that you dig. You see players all the time who are getting beat and then make it worse with all kinds of bizarre behavior. Above all, do not succumb to the lesser player’s inclination to go on tilt.

That having been said, what actions should you take to get this ship turned around and headed back in a profitable direction? The first thing one should do when finding himself in a slump is examine his poker game in an effort to determine why it is occurring. Is Lady Luck really treating you that poorly or have you developed some sloppy habits which are contributing to this downward spiral? Have you loosened up and developed a habit of playing too many marginal poker hands? Have you started to regularly push thin edges? Are you betting on the come too frequently? Have you examined the lineups in the games you’re frequenting? Have you lulled yourself into a feeling of invincibility after a string of victories? If so, you’ve let arrogance sneak into your game and that’s a definite prescription for disaster. Old Mr. Ego strikes again! Hubris is the cause of many a downfall. cheat poker


When to Move Up in Stakes

One of the concerns that I frequently hear, especially among small stakes poker players, is when and how to move up to a bigger game. How do you know if you are ready to move up to a bigger poker game or not? The simply answer is to move up when your bankroll is big enough, and move down when your bankroll is too small. But there are more things to consider besides just the size of your bankroll.

Are You Winning?

There’s really only one way to know. You must keep track, down to the dollar (pound, euro, yen, peso, or yuan will do too), of how much you win and how much you lose in each poker session. If you’re playing online then be sure to use poker tracking software – because statistics will not only let you know where your strengths and weakness are in your game, they will assist in your decision of what games to play and when to move up to the next level. By reviewing your playing history you’ll be able to see how you are doing per hour and per big blind or buy-in size. poker lenses

Win Rates and Return-on-Investment

In cash games your win rate is generally the number of big bets per hour for limit poker and big blinds per 100 hands for no-limit hold’em. Let’s suppose you’ve played 20,000 hands of $25NL ($0.10 / $0.25 blinds) and have made a profit of $2,000. Your win rate would be 6.66 bb/100 – that’s $1.66 per 100 hands ($0.25 * 6.66). Your hourly rate would depend on how many hands you play per hour – playing 500 hands per hour or more across multiple tables is not uncommon for online poker players.

If you’re a tournament or SNG player then you should look at your return-on-investment (ROI). ROI refers to the net profit you’ve earned playing poker. Divide any profit by the gross amount you’ve invested and multiplied by the number of games you’ve played. A ROI of 0% would indicate that you’re breaking even. Let’s suppose you’ve played a 1,000 of your favourite $10 SNG’s, spending $10,000 in the process. Over this period of games you’ve made a profit of $1,500, meaning your ROI would be 15%.

Hopefully you’re win rate or ROI is positive because if you’re not beating your current game then, most of the time, it’s a mistake to move up. There are many benchmarks, formulas, statistics, and graphs available to judge yourself and other players – but it’s better to concentrate on finding the games that maximize your dollars per hour played and grow your bankroll that way.

You should be beating the lower stakes games first. There’s one exception to this that I’d make. Lower stakes poker games can be more heavily raked than the higher stakes games. This is a function of how the rake is calculated. When this is the case, it may make sense to move out of the lowest, and thereby most heavily raked game, as soon as possible, even if you’re not beating it, – just to avoid getting crushed by the rake.

Sample Size

If you just had a winning session of $180 in 4 hours of $50NL, that doesn’t mean that you are beating the game. If you just finished a session of 300 hands of $200NL and doubled your buy-in of $200, that doesn’t make you a winning poker player. Similarly, if you just won a bunch of $20 tournaments in a row, it doesn’t matter. You might have just gotten lucky in each example. Generally speaking, to be really sure that you’re beating the game you’re playing in you need a much larger sample size – 10,000-30,000 hands is considered enough play to gauge how you are really doing in cash games – and 1,000 games for tournament players is a decent sample size. marked cards

Your Playing Style

Some poker players are nits or rocks. They win small amounts by risking very little. They have little variance since they play a solid game and take very, very few chances. Other players are plungers. They take huge gambles – even with only very slightly the best of it. If you have a high variance style of poker – say you’re a maniac, then you’d want to start with more. The former players will need less of a bankroll to move up than the latter players because they will show much less variance at the higher level – and will therefore have a much lower risk of running through their bankroll if they run bad for a while.